Names of graduating seniors

Lakeshore United Class of 2022

June has arrived, and over the next two weekends we have 22 Lakeshore United FC seniors that will be celebrating their high school graduation!

American author, Brennan Manning, once said: “In every encounter we either give life or we drain it; there is no neutral exchange.” For the last 10+ years, these seniors have given life to Lakeshore United. They have grown up with us, as we too have grown. The Class of 2022 has participated in every level of our programs, volunteered and served at tournaments and events, worked as referees, coaches, and camp staff, and helped inspire siblings and the next generation of soccer players that will play for the next 10 years.

And while we have no doubt that they will continue to give life to others after graduation, Seniors, we do have one last challenge for you.

As you take time to reflect, celebrate and look forward to what lies ahead, don’t forget about the most important moment of all: this present one. Every day our lives are filled with seemingly insignificant moments that have the potential to be life-impacting to ourselves or those around us. Did you ever think a random invitation from a friend to kick a soccer ball in the backyard would one day lead you to celebrating a tournament win at Oshkosh on the Water, competing in Wisconsin High School State Finals, or traveling to Spain for the Donosti Cup?

Don’t underestimate the influence that you have. Be present and authentic with those around you. In every encounter, give life as you have to us.

Thank you, Class of 2022.